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Registration Renewal

New Michigan laws in 2022: Tampon tax repeal, 2-year vehicle registration – The Bakersfield Californian

DETROIT — Michiganders won’t have to pay some taxes on feminine hygiene products and will be able to start buying booze at Michigan International Speedway again in 2022 thanks to some laws that take effect this year.

While the Michigan Legislature typically ensures bills that it enacts take effect right away, occasionally there’s a delay for a variety of reasons. When the Legislature does not vote for a bill to take effect immediately, it won’t become law until the 91st day after the end of the legislative session. This year that means early spring.

Lawmakers will undoubtedly pass hundreds of bills in 2022, but here’s a look at some of their work that goes on the books in the coming months:

Repeal of the tampon tax

Two new bills that repeal the sales and use taxes on feminine hygiene products go into effect on Feb. 3. The measures are intended to make it easier for people who need these items to afford them — the inability to use pads, tampons or other similar items poses substantial health risks to many in the state.

The bills passed with widespread bipartisan support.

Repealing some gubernatorial emergency powers

One of the most hotly contested measures this year, conservatives relied on the relatively obscure initiative petition process to rescind a 1945 law that gave the governor some emergency powers. At the start of the pandemic, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer relied on this law to issue some of the more sweeping regulations and mandates, garnering, at times, substantial pushback.

The GOP-controlled Legislature tried to repeal the law using traditional legislation, but Whitmer vetoed the bills. The initiative process, which relies on hundreds of thousands of residents signing a petition, offers an avenue to create or repeal a law that cannot be vetoed.

While lawmakers approved the initiative petition, they did not vote to give their decision immediate effect. Despite repealing this law, the state health department still has authority to create broad pandemic rules.

Selling booze at Michigan International Speedway again

Michigan International Speedway, home to popular NASCAR races, is a big draw for many around the state and region. However, Michigan law currently says venues can only have a motorsports event liquor license if they provide at least seven days of motorsports events in a year.

With COVID-19, MIS reduced its number of races, putting it below that seven-day threshold. Under a bill that takes effect this spring with the rest of the legislation not given immediate effect, reducing the number of days with a motorsports event to two. That means even if there’s only one NASCAR race at MIS this year, fans can crack a few cold ones.

Vehicle registration, recreation passport good for 2 years

Right now, Michiganders are supposed to renew the registration on their vehicles every year. While the Michigan Secretary of State argues it has never been easier to access many of its services, historically, many find the annual process to be a pain.

Legislation that takes effect in October allows a person’s registration to stay in effect for two years after that person’s birthday.

A separate bill that also takes effect in October creates a corresponding two-year recreational passport, the registration needed to enter state parks, recreation areas and boat launches. The fee for the two-year pass is $20.

Mandated criminal background checks to work with seniors

Prospective employees, volunteers and others wishing to work in senior centers or other similar settings would need to pass a criminal background check under a bill that takes effect this spring.

The measure, known as the Older Michiganians Act, requires such a review for “each new employee, employee, subcontractor, subcontractor employee, or volunteer who had in-person client contact, in-person home client contact, access to a client’s personal property, or access to confidential client information,” according to an analysis of the bill.

Local area agencies on aging, which frequently run these facilities, would be required to conduct these checks and keep documentation of their findings on file.

New ways to expunge some drunk driving offenses

A series of three bills take effect in February and March offer potentially hundreds of Michiganders a way to clear their driving records of charges related to operating a vehicle while intoxicated. These join many other, broader bills that have allowed tens of thousands of Michiganders to legally start driving again.

The first measure changes the definition of some portions of law to clarify the meaning of a first-time offense of operating a vehicle while intoxicated. It essentially mirrors current law but sets the framework for making a legal distinction between breaking this law one time and a serial violator.

The second measure broadly bans expunging driving while intoxicated offenses, unless the violation meets the definition of a first-time offense. Violations that result in injury or death would not be eligible for expungement.

The last measure pushes the timeline for when an offender can apply from three years after the offense to five years. That waiting period would not start until a person completed a prison term, probation or any other punishment given in conjunction with the first-time offense.


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