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Find information on key laws and resources for Texans with disabilities looking to apply for an accessible parking placard. This page provides information on both resources and contacts that can help when applying for an accessible parking placard in the state. Additionally, this page includes a summary of laws by topic that may impact an individual with an accessible placard. This section is not intended to be used for legal advice.

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Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

State and Federal Law

Accessible Parking (Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 681)

  • The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must provide for the issuance of a disabled parking placard to a person with a disability.
  • A disabled parking placard must be two-sided and hooked and include on each side:
    • the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA), at least three inches in height, centered on the placard, and:
      • white on a blue shield for one issued to a person with a permanent disability; or
      • white on a red shield for one issued to a person with a temporary disability;
    • an identification number;
    • an expiration date at least three inches in height; and
    • the seal or other identification of the DMV.
  • A disabled parking placard must bear a hologram designed to prevent the reproduction of the placard or the production of a counterfeit.
  • The expiration date must be indicated on the placard by a month and year hole-punch system.

Parking Placard Application

  • An owner of a motor vehicle regularly operated by or for the transportation of a person with a disability may apply for a disabled parking placard.
  • An application for a disabled parking placard must be:
    • on a form furnished by the DMV;
    • submitted to the county assessor-collector located where the person with the disability:
      • resides; or
      • is seeking medical treatment; and
      • accompanied by a fee of $5 if the application is for a temporary placard.
  • The first application must be accompanied by a notarized written statement or written prescription of a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state or a state adjacent, or authorized by applicable law to practice medicine in a hospital or other health facility of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), certifying and providing evidence that the person making the application or on whose behalf the application is made is legally blind or has a mobility problem that substantially impairs their ability to ambulate.
  • The statement or prescription must include a certification of whether the disability is temporary or permanent and information to determine the type of disabled parking placard for which the applicant is eligible.

Applicant’s Identification

  • The applicant must include on the application:
    • Their driver’s license number or the number of a personal identification card;
    • military identification number; or
    • driver’s license number issued by another state or country if the applicant is not a resident of Texas and is seeking medical treatment here.
  • The county assessor-collector must record on any disabled parking placard:
    • the county number assigned by the comptroller to the county issuing the placard;
    • the first four digits of the applicant’s driver’s license number, personal identification card number, or military identification number; and
    • the applicant’s initials.

Issuance of Disabled Parking Placards to Certain Institutions

  • The DMV must provide for the issuance of disabled parking placards for a van or bus operated by an institution, facility, or residential retirement community for the elderly.
  • The application for a disabled parking placard must be made in the manner outlined above, and be accompanied by a written statement signed by the administrator or manager of the institution, facility, or retirement community certifying that the institution, facility, or retirement community regularly transports, as a part of the services they provide, one or more persons with disabilities.


  • A person with a permanent disability may receive:
    • two disabled parking placards, if the person does not receive a set of special license plates;
    • one disabled parking placard, if the person receives a set of special license plates; or
    • two disabled parking placards, if the person receives two sets of special license plates.
  • A person with a temporary disability may receive two disabled parking placards.
  • A disabled parking placard issued to a person with a permanent disability:
    • is valid for:
      • four years for a resident of Texas; and
      • six months for a person who is not a resident of Texas; and
    • must be replaced or renewed on request of the person to whom the initial card was issued without presentation of evidence of eligibility.
  • A disabled parking placard issued to a person with a temporary disability expires after the period set by the DMV and may be renewed at the end of that period if the disability remains as evidenced by a physician’s statement or prescription.
  • The DMV must include with each disabled parking placard a document that provides:
    • information on laws governing parking for persons with disabilities; and
    • instructions for reporting alleged violations.

Parking Privileges for Persons with Disabilities

  • A vehicle may be parked for an unlimited period in a parking space or area that is designated for persons with physical disabilities if:
    • the vehicle is being operated by or for the transportation of a person with a disability; and
    • there are:
      • displayed on the vehicle special license plates; or
      • placed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle’s front windshield a disabled parking placard.
  • The owner of a vehicle is exempt from the payment of a fee or penalty imposed by a governmental unit for parking at a meter if:
    • the vehicle is being operated by or for the transportation of a person with a disability; and
    • there are:
      • displayed on the vehicle special license plates; or
      • placed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle’s front windshield a disabled parking placard.
  • The exemption does not apply to a fee or penalty:
    • imposed by a branch of the United States government; or
    • imposed by a governmental unit for parking at a meter, in a parking garage or lot, or in a space located within the boundaries of a municipal airport.

Parking Privileges for Vehicles Displaying International Symbol of Access (ISA)

  • A vehicle may be parked and is exempt from the payment of a fee or penalty in the same manner as a vehicle that has displayed special license plates or a disabled parking placard if displayed on the vehicle a license plate or placard that:
    • bears the ISA; and
    • is issued by a state or by a state or province of a foreign country to the owner or operator of the vehicle for the transportation of a person with a disability.

Parking Privileges for Certain Veterans and Military Award Recipients

  • A vehicle may be parked for an unlimited period in a parking space or area that is designated for persons with physical disabilities if:
    • the vehicle:
      • displays specialty license plates; and
      • is being operated by or for the transportation of the person to whom the plates were issued; or
    • the vehicle displays license plates issued by another state that indicate on the face of the license plates that the owner or operator of the vehicle is a disabled veteran.
  • A vehicle may be parked for an unlimited period in a parking space or area that is designated specifically for persons with physical disabilities on the property of an institution of higher education, regardless of whether a permit is generally required for the use of the space or area
  • An institution of higher education may require a vehicle to display a parking permit issued by the institution, but may not charge a fee for the permit. This does not entitle a person to park a vehicle in a parking space or area that has not been designated specifically for persons with physical disabilities on the property of the institution if the vehicle has not been granted or assigned a parking permit required by the institution.
  • A vehicle displaying license plates described above is exempt from the payment of a parking fee collected through a parking meter charged by a governmental authority other than a branch of the federal government, when being operated by or for the transportation of:
    • the person who registered the vehicle,
    • the owner or operator of a vehicle displaying license plates described above.

Designation of Parking Spaces by Political Subdivision or Private Property Owner

  • A political subdivision or a person who owns or controls property used for parking may designate one or more parking spaces or parking area for the exclusive use of vehicles transporting persons with disabilities.
  • A political subdivision must designate a parking space or area by conforming to the standards and specifications adopted by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR), relating to the identification and dimensions of parking spaces for persons with disabilities.
  • A political subdivision may require a private property owner or a person who controls property used for parking:
    • to designate one or more parking spaces or a parking area for the exclusive use of vehicles transporting persons with disabilities; or
    • to conform to the standards and specifications when designating a parking space or area for persons with disabilities.
  • Parking spaces or areas designated for the exclusive use of vehicles transporting persons with disabilities may be used by vehicles displaying a white on blue shield disabled parking placard, license plates, or a white on red shield disabled parking placard.


  • A peace officer or a person designated by a political subdivision to enforce parking regulations may file a charge against a person who commits an offense at a parking space or area described above.
  • A security officer commissioned, and employed by the owner of private property may file a charge against a person who commits an offense at a parking space or area designated by the owner of the property.


  • A person commits an offense if:
    • they park a vehicle displaying specialty license plates or disabled parking placard in a parking space or area designated for persons with disabilities, and
    • the parking of the vehicle in that parking space or area is not authorized.
  • A person commits an offense if the person parks a vehicle on which specialty license plates and a disabled parking placard are not displayed in a parking space or area designated for individuals with disabilities.
  • A person commits an offense if they park a vehicle blocking an architectural improvement designed to aid persons with disabilities, including an access aisle or curb ramp.
  • A person commits an offense if they lend a disabled parking placard issued to them to a person who uses the placard in violation of law.
  • In a prosecution, it is presumed that the registered owner of the motor vehicle is the person who left it parking at the time and place the offense occurred.
  • If it is shown on the trial of an offense that the person has been previously convicted of this offense, it is punishable by:
    • a fine of $550 to $800; and
    • 10 hours of community service.
  • If it is shown on the trial of an offense that the person has been previously convicted two times of this offense, it is punishable by:
    • a fine of between $550 to $800; and
    • between 20 to 30 hours of community service.
  • If it is shown on the trial of an offense that the person has been previously convicted three times of this offense, it is punishable by:
    • a fine of between $800 to $1,100; and
    • 50 hours of community service.
  • If it is shown on the trial of an offense that the person has been previously convicted four times of this offense, it is punishable by a fine of $1,250 and 50 hours of community service.
  • A person commits an offense if the person:
    • does not have a disability;
    • is not transporting a person with a disability; and
    • does not pay any applicable fee related to parking in the space or area imposed by a governmental unit or exceeds a limitation on the length of time for parking in the space or area.

Manufacture, Sale, Possession, or Use of Counterfeit or Altered Placard

  • A person commits an offense if, without the DMV authorization, they:
    • manufacture, sell, or possess a placard that is deceptively similar to a disabled parking placard; or
    • alter a genuine disabled parking placard.
  • A person commits an offense if the person knowingly parks a vehicle displaying a counterfeit or altered placard in a parking space or area designated specifically for persons with disabilities.

Seizure and Revocation of Placard

  • A law enforcement officer who believes that an offense has occurred in their presence must seize any disabled parking placard involved in the offense. Not later than 48 hours after the seizure, the officer must determine whether probable cause existed to believe that the offense was committed. If the officer does not find that probable cause existed, the officer must promptly return each placard to the person from whom it was seized. If the officer finds that probable cause existed, they, not later than the fifth day after the date of the seizure, must destroy the placard and notify the DMV.
  • A peace officer may seize a disabled parking placard from a person who operates a vehicle on which a disabled parking placard is displayed if they determine by inspecting the person’s driver’s license, personal identification certificate, or military identification that the disabled parking placard does not contain the first four digits of the driver’s license number, personal identification certificate number, or military identification number and the initials of:
    • the person operating the vehicle;
    • the applicant on behalf of a person being transported by the vehicle; or
    • a person being transported by the vehicle.
  • On seizure of a placard, it is revoked. A person from whom the placard was seized may apply for a new placard by submitting an application.

Dismissal of Charge

  • dismiss a charge for an offense if:
  • the vehicle displayed a disabled parking placard that was not valid as expired;
  • the defendant remedies the defect by renewing the expired disabled parking placard within 20 working days from the date of the offense or before the defendant’s first court appearance date, whichever is later; and
  • the disabled parking placard has not been expired for more than 60 days; and
  • assess a reimbursement fee not to exceed $20 when the charge has been remedied.
  • The court may dismiss a charge of unlawfully parking a vehicle in a space designated specifically for persons with disabilities, if at the time of the offense the defendant’s vehicle displays a disabled parking placard that has been expired for more than 60 days.

License Plates (Texas Transportation Code, Section 504.201)

  • The DMV must issue specialty license plates for a motor vehicle that:
    • has a gross vehicle weight of 18,000 pounds or less; and
    • is regularly operated for noncommercial use by or for the transportation of a person with a permanent disability.
  • An owner of a motor vehicle regularly operated by or for the transportation of a person with a mobility disability may apply to the DMV for registration.
  • The initial application for specialty license plates must be accompanied by a written statement from a physician who is licensed to practice medicine in this state or in a state adjacent or who is authorized by applicable law to practice medicine in a hospital or other health facility of the VA. If the applicant has a mobility problem caused by a disorder of the foot, the written statement may be issued by a person licensed to practice podiatry in this state or a state adjacent. The statement must certify that the person making the application or on whose behalf the application is made is legally blind or has a mobility problem that substantially impairs the person’s ability to ambulate. The statement must also certify whether a mobility problem is temporary or permanent. A written statement is not required as acceptable medical proof if:
    • the person with a disability:
      • has had a limb, hand, or foot amputated; or
      • must use a wheelchair; and
    • the applicant executes a statement attesting to the person’s disability before the county assessor-collector.
  • If the initial application for specialty license plates is made by or on behalf of a person who is legally blind, the written statement may be issued by a person licensed to engage in the practice of optometry or the practice of therapeutic optometry in this state or a state adjacent.
  • A person with a disability may receive:
    • one disabled parking placard if the person receives a set of license plates; or
    • two disabled parking placards if the person does not receive a set of license plates.
  • A license plate issued must include the ISA. The symbol must be the same size as the numbers on the license plate.
  • In addition to a license plate issued, an eligible person is entitled to be issued a set of the license plates for each motor vehicle owned by the person that has a gross vehicle weight of 18,000 pounds or less and is equipped with special equipment that:
    • is designed to allow a person who has lost the use of one or both of their legs to operate the vehicle; and
    • is not standard equipment on that type of vehicle for use by a person who has use of both legs.

Disabled Veterans Parking Placards (Texas Transportation Code, Section 504.202)

  • A person entitled to specialty license plates may register, for the person’s own use, one vehicle without payment of any fee paid for or at the time of registration except the fee for the license plates. Registration is valid for one year.
  • A veteran of the United States armed forces is entitled to register, for the person’s own use, motor vehicles if:
    • the person has suffered, as a result of military service:
      • at least a 50 percent service-connected disability; or
      • a 40 percent service-connected disability because of the amputation of a lower extremity;
    • the person receives compensation from the VA because of the disability; and
    • the motor vehicle:
      • is owned by the person; and
      • has a gross vehicle weight of 18,000 pounds or less or is a motor home.
  • A person who is eligible to receive license plates may elect to receive them to include the ISA symbol. The initial application for license plates must be accompanied by:
    • the written statement, unless the applicant is an organization; and
    • any other information required for an application.
  • An organization that registers a motor vehicle may elect to receive license plates described above if the vehicle regularly transports veterans who are eligible.
  • An organization may register a motor vehicle if:
    • the vehicle is used exclusively to transport veterans of the United States armed forces who have a service-connected disability; and
    • the veterans are not charged for the transportation.
  • A statement by the veterans county service officer of the county in which a vehicle is registered or by the VA that a vehicle is used exclusively to transport veterans with disabilities without charge is satisfactory proof of eligibility for an organization.
  • License plates must include:
    • the letters “DV” on the plate if the plate is issued for a vehicle other than a motorcycle; and
    • the words “Disabled Veteran” and “U.S. Armed Forces” at the bottom of each license plate.
  • License plates may include, on request:
    • the emblem of the veteran’s branch of service; or
    • one emblem from another license plate to which the person is entitled.
  • The fee for the first set of license plates is $3. There is no fee for each additional set of license plates.
  • A person who receives license plates described above may receive a disabled parking placard for each set of license plates.
  • A license plate with the letters “DV” may be personalized with up to four characters.
  • A person entitled to license plates described above may instead use, for a vehicle that meets the requirements, disabled veteran license plates issued by this state that:
    • are embossed with an alphanumeric pattern;
    • are of a plate design that was issued in the same year as the model year of the vehicle;
    • are approved for use by the DMV.

Exemption from Motor Vehicle Tax (Texas Tax Code Section 152.086 (b-1) and (b-2))

  • The taxes imposed do not apply to the sale or use of a motor vehicle that:
    • has been or will be modified before the second anniversary of the date of purchase for operation by, or for the transportation of, an orthopedically disabled person; and
    • is driven by or used for the transportation of an orthopedically disabled person.
  • The comptroller ensures that motor vehicles exempted from taxation are used primarily by orthopedically disabled persons. The comptroller may require any individual seeking exemption to present information establishing qualification for the exemption.
  • The seller of a motor vehicle may not collect the tax from the purchaser if the purchaser:
    • signs at the time of the purchase an exemption certificate that:
      • is on a form designated by the comptroller; and
      • contains all information the comptroller considers reasonable to establish qualification for the exemption at the time of sale; and
    • presents any other documentation or information the comptroller requires.
  • The seller of a motor vehicle may rely on a properly executed and signed exemption certificate and does not have a duty to investigate the propriety of an exemption certificate that is valid on the certificate’s face. A seller who relies on an exemption certificate is not liable for the payment of motor vehicle sales taxes that would otherwise be due as a result of a motor vehicle sale.


California DMV News