California DMV News

California DMV News

Registration Renewal

VEHICLE REGISTRATION: Check your plates – Coeur d’Alene Press

Are the tabs on your car expired? Just the other day I noticed the tabs on my car are expired. Then I realized I had not received a bill for registration, which typically comes a month prior to the date on my tabs. I called the DMV in Coeur d’Alene and learned our DMV no longer sends out those bills; the ITD department in Boise does that now. Our DMV gave me their number. I called them. My information was in their system, but no mention of a bill being sent. Since my tabs are expired, I had to give my credit card information over the phone in order to purchase new tabs and be put into the system so I wouldn’t be pulled over and ticketed.

My husband checked his; his are expired also, and he did not receive a bill. An otherwise efficient system has now been made inefficient by consolidating every county’s registration process into one central office in Boise. Everyone I spoke to was very nice and helpful. If you haven’t, check your plates. Are your tabs expired? Didn’t receive a bill? The Boise ITD number is 208 334-8000.


Coeur d’Alene
